Our company disposes of many years of leasing experience as we have been letting residential, office as well as retail real estates. Until today, this has remained one of our key activities.
As a result of our broadening scope of activities such as property acquisition, development consultation and property management and others, we create the most efficient lettings strategies for our partners for each phase of real estate development.
Thanks to our activity as property manager, we command of excellent contacts to participants of the Hungarian retail market and thus dispose of up-to-date information regarding their expansion plans as well as their demands evolving in line with the current market conditions.
Property management
The second pillar among our company’s scope of activities is property and facility management. Currently, we are managing approximately 70.000 sqm of real estate (net leasing area) in Hungary, including Family Centers, Tesco and Interspar hypermarkets as well as Aldi, Penny and Spar supermarkets. Above these, we are proud to have successfully managed Duna Tower office building with more than 30.000 sqm of net leasing area for several years.
The key to efficient property management is that our company attends developments from the beginning on, that is from property acquisition, and takes over the property management tasks after or in parallel with letting the areas.
In respect of successful property management it is very useful that knowing the tenants’ demands, we are able to continue utilizing appropriate means of client relation management and communication developed during the letting phase. This also applies to our relation management with municipalities, sub-contractors and service providers.
Since its foundation, Real Management deals with sales of office, residential and commercial areas and also with projects in various stages of development.
To reach our goals, the main support is efficient business communication.
Property acquisition
We also command of great experience and excellent references on the fields of property acquisition. Knowing the local real estate market and the economic surroundings, we help our clients with selecting the appropriate property, we represent our partners’ interest when negotiating the purchasing price and give advice regarding the chances and possibilities coming along with development properties.
Our company offers consultancy services for each phase of real estate development – beginning with the preparation of the development, continuing through planning and coordination with municipalities up to the arrangement of various contracts (purchasing, leasing, sub-contractors, public utilities, facility management contracts). Besides this, we also work out marketing concepts and financing schemes.
Our company undertakes the evaluation of various properties as well as conduction of other mandates in context with property sales or investment intentions. We conduct our evaluations according to the principles of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), which are commensurate with the generally accepted, international guidelines concerning real estate valuations.
As an extension of our consultancy services and in reaction to the growing number of requests in this respect, we extended our span of activities with audits, in the course of which we conduct comprehensive examinations and analyses of a given real estate or a complete portfolio in respect of the utilization, management and/or operation of these properties.
The conclusions drawn in the course of these audits and the independent expert’s reports issued in this context offer the owner’s circle or the financing banks objective and fair information regarding the current state of the properties, and gives advice for optimization possibilities or necessary changes, if required.